Stop putting off writing: 8 experts’ solutions
September 30, 2017| Category: Writing Tips
Like any other writer, you know the bad side of procrastination. And you need advice that will help you stop putting off writing. Read on to learn this advice, get good recommendations from renowned writers and find your motivation!
Tips for Writers Who Want to Write Clearly
September 14, 2017| Category: Writing Tips
All writers should know one thing. When they are writing, it is important not to miss one thing. It is clarity. You probably want to know what it means. It means that you need to make your writing easy to understand for the reader. Because otherwise, it will not have any value. In addition, if you are able to write clearly and intelligently, your readers will find it interesting and useful. Besides, they will want to continue reading it, which is good for you. (more…)
15 Easy Steps to Improve Your Writing Skills
August 27, 2017| Category: Writing Tips
Writing is not a difficult task for those who know how to gain and improve their writing skills. In this article, we’ve gathered the most useful tips on how to make your writing better day by day. (more…)
The Ways to Begin the Concluding Paragraph
August 18, 2017| Category: Freelance Writing, Writing Tips
The conclusion is aimed at tying all the ideas of an essay in a single unity to make the reader understand your point of view. A successful conclusion may be written if the following tips are followed. (more…)
Advice on How to Proofread the Work You Have Written
August 11, 2017| Category: Freelance Writing, Writing Tips
Everyone proofreads or, at least, is supposed to proofread their written works irrespective of the status or competence. Before submitting the final version of any written assignment, you re-read it to make sure you do not have any errors. Still, being edited by any “third party”, the work turns out to contain some mistakes. The explanation is easy: reading your own work, you fail to notice a certain number of mistakes while someone else reading the same texts is sure to find some more.
Tips on How to Write the Content Professionally
August 4, 2017| Category: Business Writing Jobs, Careers in Writing, Freelance Writing, Writer Jobs
The writers who create the content professionally earn their living this way. The requirements for becoming professional content writer include competence and skillfulness. Content writing should be regarded as a profession rather than a hobby. It requires writing on a great number of topics, ranging from popular issues to scientific ones. The advantage of working as a content writer is the opportunity to be engaged in the activity you love and be paid for it as well as the possibility to work from home. (more…)
How to Structure an Expository Essay Properly
July 25, 2017| Category: Freelance Writing, Writing Tips
When students get an assignment to write an expository essay, they might wonder how to do it successfully. First of all, it is necessary to understand what an expository essay is. (more…)
How to Write an Excellent Argumentative Essay
July 14, 2017| Category: Freelance Writing, Writing Tips
The question that comes to the mind of most writers who have never written an argumentative essay is “What is it and how to write it?” The argumentative essay is a type of papers where you need to examine a certain topic by gathering evidence and establishing a position on this topic. (more…)