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Blog Tag: career in writing

Communication as an Essential Skill in Academic Writing

June 11, 2024| Category: Writing Tips

No matter what you are doing, written communication can become a common issue because unlike face-to-face communication, there are no

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7 Reasons for Choosing a Company When Being a Freelancer

May 12, 2017| Category: Business Writing Jobs, Careers in Writing, Writer Jobs

Being a freelancer means either looking for the customers or allowing customers to search for you. If you do not have much experience in freelancing, if you do not have any idea where to find customers for your written papers, you would be puzzled in how to start working. There are a lot of companies,...

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How to Receive Positive Customer Feedback

March 17, 2017| Category: Careers in Writing, Freelance Writing, Writer Jobs

Getting positive feedback is actually a science that should not be neglected. It has a significant impact on the writer’s reputation and the ability to take new orders, and it’s not a secret that freelance writers who get positive feedback from customers receive new orders and bonuses from them afterward. When the customer is satisfied,...

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Writing Can Be Fun: Tips to Boost Your Desire to Write

November 18, 2016| Category: Careers in Writing, Freelance Writing, Writer Jobs

Whenever one comes to a decision to start writing, there comes a challenge of defining whether one is capable of doing this kind of job and turning it from a hobby into a full-time employment. I believe this is absolutely possible; however, there is a need to define what motivates us to write and what...

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