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Blog Tag: freelance writing

How to Keep Your Writing Mood during Stressful Times

May 25, 2024| Category: Writing Tips

We are living in stressful times, but it’s not a reason to give up writing. Writing is a creative task that can help us feel less stressed and

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Tips on How to Write the Content Professionally

August 4, 2017| Category: Business Writing Jobs, Careers in Writing, Freelance Writing, Writer Jobs

The writers who create the content professionally earn their living this way. The requirements for becoming professional content writer include competence and skillfulness. Content writing should be regarded as a profession rather than a hobby. It requires writing on a great number of topics, ranging from popular issues to scientific ones. The advantage of working...

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Challenges Writers Face while Writing

June 14, 2017| Category: Freelance Writing, Writing Tips

When you work in a sphere of freelance writing, you are an independent person that does not really have a boss. You get the instructions and all you need to do is follow them carefully applying everything you know on the subject. The task seems easy, however, it is not always so. A freelance writer’s...

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Tips for Writing a Good Book Report

May 3, 2017| Category: Freelance Writing, Writing Tips

Are you new to freelance writing? Want to broaden your academic writing experience by getting acquainted with different types of papers? Surely, it is a good way to become a professional freelance writer and boost your income at the same time. Having read this article, you will learn how a good book report should be...

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Freelance Writing: For and Against

March 31, 2017| Category: Careers in Writing, Freelance Writing, Writer Jobs

Freelance writing is one of the professions, which has received wide spread all over the world with the emergence of the Internet. Many people are involved in freelance writing and enjoy the process. However, there are also a number of those who have already tried freelance jobs and haven’t received any satisfaction. If you are...

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Tips on Writing a Good Summary

February 23, 2017| Category: Freelance Writing, Writing Tips

If you are assigned to create a summary, you should interpret your understanding of a text and retell it to the readers. The task implies that the author uses his/her own words writing the summary and shortens the text as much as possible providing only key points of the content.

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How to Write a Good Film Review

February 9, 2017| Category: Freelance Writing, Writing Tips

Writing a film review can be one of the most ambiguous tasks one may take on. Do you know why? On the one hand, it can be quite enjoyable to watch a film, and then express your opinion on it. On the other hand, it may happen that readers will disagree with you or watch...

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Why Being a Freelance Writer Is a Good Option?

November 7, 2016| Category: Careers in Writing, Freelance Writing, Writer Jobs

Working in the office has many benefits: you socialize with colleagues, have corporative parties, have a fixed working schedule (in many cases), etc. however, many people disregard this opportunity and opt for freelance job, especially freelance writing. Why is it so? Isn’t that strange? In fact, it is not. Being a freelance writer is a...

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