Literature Review
May 31, 2018| Category: Uncategorized
A literature review provides a brief summary of existing research on the chosen topic. The main difference between the literature review and research paper is that the first presents existing research, instead of establishing new arguments and making original contributions. Literature reviews can be written as separate papers or as portions of bigger research projects.
Tips on Revising an Essay
May 15, 2018| Category: Writing Tips
You have already accumulated enough ideas, found strong arguments and managed to put everything in words in a somewhat decent way. Congratulations! The most challenging part of writing is already behind. (more…)
How to Boost Academic Vocabulary
April 30, 2018| Category: Writing Tips
Do you often face with articles and books that contain a lot of academic words? Sometimes, such a vocabulary is quite confusing. But it is very important to understand academic words and to be able to use them in your own writing. When you have a rich vocabulary, it will be easy to find right words that will perfectly suit your topic and the writing format. Moreover, it gives you more chances to write great papers and impress your teachers. (more…)
How to Get Better at Academic Writing
April 15, 2018| Category: Writing Tips
Good academic writing skills have everlasting benefits. Not only will they make your university life tremendously easier, but they will also prepare you for numerous challenges that will arrive later in the professional environment. (more…)
Tips on Writing the Discussion Section of Your Research Paper
March 30, 2018| Category: Writing Tips
Is it necessary for you to get to know some useful suggestions concerning academic writing? If your answer is ‘yes’, then take into consideration these pieces of advice on how to create the discussion section of your research work. (more…)
How to Write Unique Texts
March 15, 2018| Category: Writing Tips
Plagiarism is the appropriation of someone’s work. It concerns creativity and scientific activity. As you know, plagiarism is a crime. Therefore, you should always try to avoid it. Here are some tips how to write unique texts. (more…)
Reasons for Citing Sources
February 28, 2018| Category: Uncategorized
Almost four centuries ago, one of the greatest minds in the course of history, Isaac Newton, in the letter to his scientific rival stated: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of the giants.”
Tips on How to Hone Your Writing Skills with the Help of Academic Writing
February 14, 2018| Category: Writing Tips
Many people are in constant search of the efficacious exercises to improve their writing skills and boost their creativity. Such techniques work towards introducing an opposite way of perceiving certain things. (more…)