The Best Tips for Writing a Perfect Essay if You Are in a Hurry: Part 1
January 16, 2019| Category: Writing Tips
Sometimes it is necessary to write

Any work can be written in a short time if you follow some tips. First, you need to find all the necessary materials on the Internet. It is not difficult today, because you can find anything there.
After that, you need to perform thoughtful processing of the text and link various fragments of publications. Gradually, based on the collected material, a work plan will be created. Thus, the selected data will develop into a real research paper. You just have to write an introduction and conclusions. After the work is completed, you will need to format it in accordance with all the rules. It does not take much time, but a well-formatted work will give the impression that the author has spent a lot of time on its creation.
1.Choose a Proper Topic
The first thing you need to do to write a good text is to define its topic. In some cases, the topic may be given in advance, which simplifies the task. In other cases, the theme must be chosen independently. Thinking about this issue, you should try to choose an interesting topic. Use your strengths. Remember, you can find something interesting for yourself in any subject. Even the most boring topic can significantly broaden your horizons and dedicate you to interesting details.
2. Find the Necessary InformationFind the Necessary Information
Of course, if you are preparing a material on a topic in which you are a specialist, then you can certainly do it without additional sources. However, if a theme is new for you, you need to find some information. You may use books, encyclopedias, newspapers, magazines, official documents, as well as the Internet, television, and radio.
3.Create an Outline
Creating an outline is a fundamental stage when writing a text. This is the foundation, on which everything else will rest. The plan should include all the main points that will allow you to maximize the given topic. The main elements, as a rule, are the introduction, the body of the text and the conclusions.
4.Follow the Correct Structure
When making a plan, think about what features of the issue you want to reveal. An introduction, for example, may describe the essence of the problem and its relevance. It is important to arouse the interest and desire of the audience to read the text. The main part of your paper should be divided into subparagraphs, each of which will deal with a separate aspect of your topic. Previously collected data should be used primarily in the body of the text. This part is the most voluminous. You must reveal the theme of your text, answer the questions posed in the introduction and acquaint the reader with the necessary and interesting information. Use the maximum amount of verified data. The conclusions are the quintessence of your work. Here you can give free rein to your thoughts. However, keep in mind that if your text has an official character and is intended for a specific target audience, it is better to think about what to write and what to refrain from in this paragraph.
5.Edit Your Work
At this stage, you will have to perform several actions. However, before you start them, take a break for a while and work on something else. You can relax a bit and restore the normal train of thought. It will help you evaluate your paper objectively and work as quickly and efficiently as possible. First, you need to reread everything 2-3 times to check the material and find errors (spelling, grammar, punctuation, lexical, etc.) and, if necessary, make the appropriate changes in the text. Secondly, you will need to be a critic. This means that you have to evaluate your paper from a critical point of view (the style in which the text is written, the presentation, the construction of sentences, the emotional component, etc.). These actions will help you learn how to write interesting texts on any topic very quickly.
6. Proofread the paper in the process of writing
You can save time on proofreading the paper if you do it during the very process of writing. For example, you have written a paragraph: do not hurry with the next one but return to the beginning and proofread it for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. If the essay is quite long, it will be easier to proofread it paragraph by paragraph. It will help you eliminate typos and your mind will be fresher as you proofread it all along.
7. Avoid the temptation of copying and pasting
Plagiarism will not do you any good. First of all, your professor will spot it and will put you an F since plagiarism issues are totally unethical. Second, plagiarism will severely deteriorate your academic reputation and it will be hard to regain it. Therefore, despite the fact that the Internet is full of materials and information that will definitely match your topic, avoid the temptation of copying and pasting. It is easier than you think to identify a plagiarized work.
8. Do not use too many quotations
Providing supporting material is great but do not turn your essay into a compilation of quotes or citations. Remember that you cannot use quotes alone – just use them where necessary and make sure that the bulk of your essay is the text written on your own. Many students prefer to use many quotes as they help to make the paper visually long but at the same time provide minimum material written on their own. Using quotes with an aim of adding up to the overall word count limit is the worst strategy ever. Keep in mind that it will be evident that you have exceeded the number of quotes and that your essay contains a minimum of original thoughts. Whenever you use quotes, they should be accompanied by your interpretation, explanation or comment.