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Blog Category: Writing Tips

How to Come Up with Excellent Topic Sentences

September 21, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

Each paragraph of your academic paper, no matter if it is an essay or a research proposal, needs an appropriate topic sentence. The main role of this sentence in a paragraph is to inform the reader about the central point of the whole paragraph.

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Importance of Conclusion in Academic Writing

August 29, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

A conclusion is an essential part of any academic paper, no matter of what type or format it is. The conclusion usually provides a lasting impression on the reader and sums up the findings and ideas of writing. Another function of the conclusion is to highlight or re-emphasize the most essential points of the discussion.

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A Good Introduction is Vastly Important in Academic Writing

August 6, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

Writing the introductory and concluding parts of a paper often presents the greatest difficulty for writers. Most writers have some ideas of what they want to cover in their paper’s main body when they sit down to complete a writing assignment. It may be that you have already selected a couple of examples you will...

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Effective Transition Terms in Academic Papers

July 13, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

Clear writing and effective presentation of thoughts are essential parts of academic papers. Each person wants to read essays with clear ideas, logical flow, and properly structured information. No matter how valuable information you present in a paper, it becomes absolutely useless if the audience cannot understand the main idea because of abrupt thoughts, vague...

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Writing a Peer Response: Efficient Tips and Suggestions

June 30, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

Even the most skilled and creative academic writers cannot avoid writing multiple drafts before creating final versions of their papers. No matter what kind of academic paper you are supposed to write, you should look at your paper critically before its submission. It will help you improve its quality on different layers. To help students...

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The Importance of Spelling: Boost Your Writing Talent

June 7, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

Misspelling a word can seem a minor mistake. However, if there are a lot of typos in your paper, it will demonstrate your carelessness and negatively affect the result of your work. If the reader notices many misspelled words in your paper, they will assume that you did not care to proofread it. Moreover, it...

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An Annotated Bibliography and a Literature Review

May 27, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

If you have already worked on a research paper, research proposal, or dissertation, then you probably know what is an annotated bibliography as well as its characteristic peculiarities. However, many writers still confuse this task with a literature review paper, though they are different. In our tutorial, we are going to help you figure out...

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How to Choose the Best Sources for Your Paper

May 17, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

When it comes to writing academic papers, it is important to use the most reliable sources. It will help you convince your audience that your arguments are valid and accurate. However, you should understand that using sources that lack credibility will significantly reduce your chances of getting a good grade. Therefore, if you want to...

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