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Blog Category: Writing Tips

How to Write a Good Outline for an Academic Paper

April 29, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

Before you start working on any academic paper, you will need to think about the structure you will follow. Thorough planning is the most challenging part of the writing process that should help the writer choose the direction to move. Without having a good plan, you will probably jump from one idea to another, which...

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Guidelines on Proper Citation in Academic Writing

April 21, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

Whereas many writers claim that content is the most essential part of academic writing that directly impacts the overall grade, it is not completely right because citations are not less important. When writing essays, research papers, and other academic papers, you frequently use additional sources and readings. Therefore, if you take some information from them...

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Objective Writing: Professional Guidelines and Tips

March 30, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

It is natural for people to use rather subjective daily language. People do not bring evidence into their routine conversations; instead, they share their beliefs, personal opinions, views, or preferences. The foundation for individual opinions is most frequently made not by the verifiable information but by subjective evaluations and judgments. Talking about opinions, one can...

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Standards of Academic Writing: Effective Paragraphs

March 16, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

In the Standard English language, paragraphs as the blocks of research or intellectual arguments constitute all texts. According to academic writing rules, there is a package of related ideas focused on one thought presented by a set of sentences. A common sequence of the sentences in a typical paragraph is A Topic Sentence, the Body,...

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Effective Use of Common Tenses in Academic Writing

February 27, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

Verb tenses allow the reader to figure out when a particular event takes place. What is more, when it comes to academic writing, the usage of tenses usually goes beyond chronology representation. The choice of tenses enables the reader to understand the degree of generality intended as well as the author’s attitude towards the theory...

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The Difference between the Active and Passive Voice

February 12, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

The choice of active or passive voice in your writing is highly related to the writing style and the message you want to convey. In some cases, the chosen voice may help you emphasize some idea in your sentence. If you doubt whether to use the active or passive voice, read this article

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Concept Maps for Idea Visualization and Creating Relations

January 31, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

Concept map is a tool of visualization as well as building connections and relations between the ideas to determine their logic and structure. To create a unique and well-thought-out concept map, it is necessary to know their specifics, types and different uses.

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How to Write a Perfect Personal Response Essay

January 14, 2021| Category: Writing Tips

A personal response paper aims to help the reader gain a better understanding of your perception of a particular subject. Thus, when writing a personal response essay, you need to express your feelings and thoughts about the subject at hand.

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