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Blog Tag: writing

Working Hard has Always Been the Key to Success

January 6, 2009| Category: Dissertation Advice

If you are a freelance writer, you should not fret as to what you need to do because there are numerous things that may be done if you are in this kind of career. Contacts could be made, and at the same time, the skills that you have for writing could still be improved, and...

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The Best Source of Writing Resources

December 24, 2008| Category: Business Writing Jobs

In writing your articles, it is crucial that you look for a reference that can support your ideas and arguments. You cannot simply come up with your own arguments and statements since you might not be able to defend it clearly and rationally later. Though you are entitled for your own opinion, it will still...

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The Right Freelance Writing Equipment for Starters

December 19, 2008| Category: Careers in Writing

No matter what career you choose, there is always some startup cost that you need to spend on with. Though this may vary from one career to another, this is something that you just cannot get rid of. You need to face it upfront and handle the expenses wisely. A career in freelance writing does...

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Getting Your First Client

December 1, 2008| Category: Writer Jobs

During your first day as a freelance writer, you might feel fidgety and nervous with doubts as to your ability of finding a client. This is normal though for it is quite difficult to convince anybody with your service if you do not have something to show as yet. However, days later, you will find...

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The Things that Hinder You and Your Freelance Writing

November 9, 2008| Category: Writing Tips

Taking the plunge and going for a full-time freelance writing career should be quite an exciting moment. Unfortunately, not very many people make it to this level. For a lot of reasons, they remain in their part-time positions. In some worse cases, they have given up their careers all in all. If you feel that...

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Take your Freelance Writing Career Now!

October 22, 2008| Category: Freelance Writing

A lot of people are hesitant to try becoming a freelance writer. They presumably had a number of excuses why they always say next time even if they want this job. You cannot deny the fact that making excuses is easy than trying this kind of opportunity. However, it is also a bit risky in...

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Do You still Enjoy Freelance Writing?

October 17, 2008| Category: Business Writing Jobs

If you want to last long in a career, you should be able to do it day after day with a smile plastered on your lips. This way, you will find that your job is not a hard thing to do. It will not feel as though it really is a job. If you are...

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Having a Better Career in Freelance Writing

October 4, 2008| Category: Writing Tips

Setting your goals is the start of a great future. You need to clearly define what you want and what you want to achieve. Afterwards, you need to heartily and willfully follow the right procedures and techniques to achieve your goals. With this, you are certainly on your way to a great future. This same...

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