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Blog Category: Writing Tips

How to Use Your Writing Talent to Earn Money

September 30, 2016| Category: Freelance Writing, Writer Jobs, Writing Tips

Nothing can bring us more happiness and satisfaction than earning money by doing what you love! Those who manage to turn their hobby into business are always really successful in life. So what if you are passionate about writing? Why not making your dream a reality and start getting profit from sharing your ideas with...

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5 Main Mistakes in Writing a Paragraph

September 19, 2016| Category: Writing Tips

Essay writing is one of the main responsibilities students have to accomplish while education. Most students are aware of the five-paragraph structure and follow it precisely. Also, depending on the length of an essay students can deviate from this structure and to write essays of six and more paragraphs.

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5 Important Things to Keep in Mind when Writing an Academic Paper

September 6, 2016| Category: Careers in Writing, Writing Tips

You can be an excellent writer, but writing an academic paper demands not simply paraphrasing original texts. Do you find the academic paper to be an instrument of torture? Actually, the process can be quite easy. To become a successful academic writer, you should keep in mind several important things for academic writing. Take it...

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How the right type of video can increase your brand awareness.

January 19, 2015| Category: Writing Tips

Explanationatory Videos Some companies have a clear-cut product or service, but this does not mean that each of them can describe in a few simple words. In this regard, explaining it in a video can be an excellent way to educate your clients about what exactly your business does and what products/services you offer. Explaining...

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When Quitting Freelance Writing becomes an Option

April 20, 2009| Category: Writing Tips

I have heard a lot of friends talking about their career and their dreams. Nowadays, it is really hard to find a good job. But still more and more of the people I know quit their job because of other opportunities that come their way or they just got tired of their routine. What is...

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The Best Time to Jump-start your Career as a Freelance Writer

February 21, 2009| Category: Writing Tips

A lot of people often ask me about my freelance writing career. Surprisingly, I was asked by a very odd question about what month exactly is the best time to start for freelance writing. For me it was quite weird since this is something I have not usually entertained in my thoughts. Is there really...

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The Start and End of a Freelance Writing Project

January 11, 2009| Category: Writing Tips

Before you even accept a new project for freelance writing, you would have to ask the client some questions. First, you have to ask the client when the project begins. Second, you would also have to know when the due date is. If you fail to ask these two very important questions, you will find...

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The Things that Hinder You and Your Freelance Writing

November 9, 2008| Category: Writing Tips

Taking the plunge and going for a full-time freelance writing career should be quite an exciting moment. Unfortunately, not very many people make it to this level. For a lot of reasons, they remain in their part-time positions. In some worse cases, they have given up their careers all in all. If you feel that...

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