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Providing Proof-of-Work Evidence with Our New Writing Process Monitoring Service

In today's digital world, keeping academic work original and proving it's genuinely written is tougher than ever

With all the AI-generating tools out there, students often find themselves having to prove they actually wrote their papers. Most probably, you've also found yourself in situations when customers asked for no AI use or returned with claims that their papers had been AI-written. That has become a challenge that our team at 4writers stood up to and found a solution.

Recently, we integrated a state-of-the-art feature into our system, and now we are offering a writing process monitoring service that allows defending our writers. This service serves as a proof-of-work evidence that the paper has been actually written for both – our writers and our customers, if their professors require validation.

About our service
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The Problem

Proving You Did the Work

Let's face it, with universities being harsh about plagiarism and AI-written content, students are under a great pressure to defend the originality of their papers.

When they get help from a writing service like ours, they hope for the best results that will pass all the AI and plagiarism checks. However, the AI detection tools are not perfect and often return false positive results. In such cases, students must prove that the paper has been indeed written rather than generated. But having asked for your help, students can't provide any proof for writing their papers. Being stressed out, they start taking their frustration on you, our writers, often accusing you of AI writing and demanding refunds. From now on, you can be safeguarded when customers order a writing process monitoring service since it allows proving that the paper has been truly written with appropriate effort.

Your New Best Friend in Academic Writing

Meet Our Writing Process Monitoring Service

Real-Time Monitoring
It tracks the actual writing process, ensuring that all changes to the document are logged.
Screen Captures
It makes screenshots of on-screen activities, allowing to ensure that no unauthorized resources were used for writing.
Detailed Reports
Once the paper is done, it gives you reports that show originality, AI use, and active time spent on work.

We have found a great solution that resulted in our new-brand writing process monitoring service to help solve this problem. This service allows proving that the paper you deliver is original and authentic. It is like having a digital witness that backs you up. Here is a glimpse into how the writing process monitoring service works:

Advantages for writers

Why Writers Will Love This Monitoring Service

While we know that you do your best to provide customers with great papers, we also acknowledge that not always customers are fair to you. That can be a reason why some writers might disregard working on orders with monitoring. However, there are some perks in addition to the good payment you might consider in favor of taking such orders.
Boost Your Credibility

Writers can prove their work is top-notch and original, which helps build a great reputation.

Peace of Mind

Knowing that every piece you write is monitored and verified means no stress over plagiarism or AI use accusations.

Showcase Integrity

Being able to provide proof of originality can set you apart from other writers, showing clients your trustworthiness and professionalism.

Advantages for customers

What's in It for Our Customers?

Integrating this writing process monitoring service into our writing service brings a bunch of benefits:

Proof of Work
Our customers get solid proof that the paper is genuinely written, making it easy to defend the work.
Confidence Boost
Customers can submit the papers with confidence, knowing they meet all academic integrity standards.

By introducing the writing process monitoring service, we create a transparent and trustworthy relationship between our writers and customers. Customers can be sure that the work they receive is original and high-quality, while our writers can rest assured they will not be accused of AI use and/or plagiarism.

Advantages for writers

Why Writers Will Love This Monitoring Service

We are committed to providing top-notch writing services that meet and exceed expectations. We believe that our one-of-a-kind writing process monitoring service can offer a solid solution for proving authorship.

This addition to our range of services will surely enhance the credibility of our company and support our customers in their studies. In a nutshell, our writing process monitoring service marks a new chapter in the custom writing industry. It gives students the tools to confidently defend their work and maintain academic integrity. And it gives our writers more confidence in delivering their work without fear of unfair claims from customers.
